A new approach to marketing

Leveling Up Boot Camp

You've got some time under your belt and you've seen some success but now you're stuck with either shelling out for more staff (can we afford that?) or turning down offers from potential clients. How do you stay fundable, grow a team, and avoid the stagnation between periods?  
Our next session starts January 17th! The "Leveling Up" series runs on Friday mornings, 9 am to 11 am, conveniently located in Downtown Ogden.
Participants will need to attend each weekly session with the group and will have an optional coaching call every Thursday for one-on-one follow up and accountability tracking. Please keep in mind that there will be homework between weeks as well. This is boot camp after all, come with the mindset to get to work!

Week 1: Things to Consider. Structural Impact.
Week 2: What Got You Here (Won't Get You There)
Week 3: Becoming Fund-Worthy
Week 4: Next Level Marketing
Week 5: Growing a Team
Week 6: Class Presentations and Graduation
Mark your calendar for Fridays, January 17th through February 21st, skipping the week of Thanksgiving. 

You'll graduate at the end of the six weeks with a certificate of completion and be eligible for Ogden City's Small Business Loan Program*

Need help paying for this class? Please email accounting[at]kbent.co for information on payment plans and scholarship options available for up to 40% of class cost.

***About the SBLP Program**

The Small Business Loan Program (SBLP) is designed to stimulate economic growth and support new businesses growing in low- to moderate-income areas in Ogden City and in industries targeted by Ogden City Business Development.

The SBLP provides affordable financing that is lacking in the current market, in the form of loans to Ogden City-based microenterprise businesses to start up or expand in Ogden City.

The SBLP will provide loans up to $90,000 to be used for eligible business expenses.

A full application and program guideline is available.